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about me

My 20 year 'on and off' love affair with yoga was always the poor cousin to the chaos of corporate life; a career from which I benefitted immensely but failed to provide me with a sense of fulfilment.

Shifting my focus inward and developing a mindfulness practice has allowed me to cut through noise, stay calm and get clear in so many areas of my life including health, business, connections, diet, spirit and mindset. It is now a practice I share with others through individual and small group sessions in the office, home or on retreats.

I am not a medical doctor, psychologist, physiotherapist, dietician, spiritual leader, nor career coach. But I can give you the tools to put you on a path of holistic wellness by demonstrating how the combination of breath, movement, mindfulness, meditation, nutrition and sleep can have amazing results in all areas of your life.



RYT 200 certified by Travis Eliot and Lauren Eckstrom 

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